Monday, November 17, 2008

One week down, 25 to go
I am now into my second week back at clerkship. Things are as well as can be expected. Most people seem to be a mix of impressed and horrified when they hear I have returned with a two month old at home. Most relax noticably when they hear that I left my little guy in the care of his father. (I am not sure what terrifying alternative they were imagining.)

After some initial getting-to-know-each-other-and-the-bottle adjustments the guys are doing well. The little man learned smiling a couple of weeks ago and is making great strides in his laughing, which is probably the best way possible to come home. It also isn't so bad to come home to a hungry baby I can spend a little time comforting either. Right now I am writing in the doctor's lounge, 4 hours past my longest time away from him. He will probably be in bed by the time I get home so I am actually looking forward to tonight's 2am feeding.

I can't say that I was an all-star clerk last week, I tend to be much more of a go-getter. But no-one died or was neglected and things are more on track this week. I have been more on the ball at the bedside grill sessions and am trying to work my way into presenting at grand rounds on Friday.

New pictures will have to wait until I am on my own computer.

1 comment:

Dragonfly said...

Sounds like you are doing amazingly.